Prof. Dr. Iris Bohnet
Albert Pratt Professor & Co-Director of the Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School
How science, business, politics and media increase the visibility of innovative women
March 18, 2025 | 09:00 — 18:00 CET
Technical University Munich (Audimax)
How science, business, politics and media increase the visibility of innovative women
Sign up now for free →Elke Benning-Rhonke
Entrepreneur, erfahrenes Board-Mitglied, Gründerin 2Top
Prof. Dr. Iris Bohnet
Albert Pratt Professor & Co-Director of the Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School
Emilio J. Castilla
Professor of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Ulrike Demmer
Intendantin des RBB
Madeline Di Nonno
President & CEO Geena
Davis Institute
Korinna Strobel
Head of Strategy
at Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Dr. Robert Livingston
Lecturer Harvard University
Astrid Maier
Stellvertretende Chefredakteurin Deutsche Presse Agentur
Christian Nitsche
Chefredakteur Bayerischer Rundfunk
Cai Tore Philippsen
Managing Editor FAZ.NET
Christina Rouvray
Projektleitung Metavorhaben “Innovative Frauen im Fokus”
Judith Wittwer
Chefredakteurin Süddeutsche
Nicole Schmutte
Digital Diversity Consultant
Prof. Dr. Maite Taboada
Distinguished Professor Simon Fraser University
Nicole Voigt
Managing Director & Partner bei Boston Consulting Group
Emiliano Void
Gründer der nuwave Equity Corporation
Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha
Gründer & CEO der Women’s Brain Foundation
Tijen Onaran
Autorin und Unternehmerin,
Gründerin Global Digital Women
Barbara Lutz
CEO Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin,
FKi Diversity for Success / Autorin
Eva Gengler
Co-Founderin enableYou
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel
Biochemikerin und Hochschullehrerin, ehem. Präsidentin Universität Göttingen
PD Dr. Marie-Luise Aitzetmüller-Klietz
Ärztin & Dozentin, Plastische Chirurgie, Universität Münster & Privatpraxis Passau
Anke Domscheit-Berg
Publizistin, Aktivistin, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestags
Foto: DBT/Stella v. Saldern
Lea Eberle
COO EqualVoice &
Head of Finance Projects bei Ringier AG
Dr. Isabelle Kürschner
New Work expert & moderator of the conference
Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe
PD Dr. Theresa Treffers
Alexandra Abler
Dr. Fabian Ahrens
Nadja Born
Simon Hochstraßer
Sara Kappelhoff
The W:Science platform is designed not only to highlight progress in raising the visibility of women and advancing the Gender Equality Tech Tool (GETT) but also to foster (digital) networking and collaboration.
The conference aims to break down structural barriers for women in science, establish female role models, and sustainably increase the representation of women in science and other fields.
Increasing the visibility of female scientists not only enhances diversity in research and education but also provides inspiring role models for young scientists. By breaking down barriers and boosting the presence of women in science, it fosters greater interest in scientific careers among future generations.
No, the BREAKING BAIS conference at the Technical University of Munich will not be recorded. Join us live to experience all the talks firsthand.