SESiWi = Structural increase of the visibility of female scientists at universities, research institutions and in traditional and digital media

Making achievements visible, structurally anchoring visibility of women

Although visibility is important for the scientific careers and role models of young female scientists, previous research provides too few answers to the reasons for and effects of the lack of visibility of female scientists. In addition, too few effective measures for equal and gender-equitable visibility are known. The present research project therefore aims to develop sustainable strategies to make the innovative achievements of young scientists and established female scientists at universities, research institutions and in traditional and digital media more visible and to structurally anchor this increased visibility and communicate it to the broad (professional) public.

Multi-level approach

Using vignette studies and surveys, the project will first examine the underlying mechanisms for the lack of visibility of female scientists. In addition, texts and images are collected from public reports from universities, research institutions and media via web scraping. This data is then AI-supported and analyzed and visualized with a view to the quantitative visibility and stereotypical presentation of female scientists. Workshops are held with scientists and media professionals in order to agree on and establish specific goals and collaborations for the visibility of female scientists and women in general. These are based on the results of the so-called Gender Equality Tech Tool (GETT) and are regularly measured and monitored by the GETT.

We want to achieve this effect

The research project aims to develop sustainable strategies to make the innovative achievements of young scientists and established female scientists at universities, research institutions and in traditional and digital media more visible, to structurally anchor this increased visibility and to communicate it to the broad (professional) public.

Who we are

We are part of Chair for Strategy and Organization (TUMCSO). We work as an interdisciplinary team on internationally relevant research questions in the areas of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), Strategy, Leadership, Organization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Blockchain. In our research, we work with quantitative-empirical methods. We publish the results of our research in leading scientific journals and present them at international conferences. We provide our students with the latest scientific and practice-oriented knowledge.

Become part of our Community: Get to know other scientists, journalists and media professionals and exchange ideas!

our TEAM

Bild Isabell Welpe

Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe

Bild Theresa Treffers

PD Dr. Theresa Treffers

Bild Alexandra Abler

Alexandra Abler

Bild Fabian Ahrens

Dr. Fabian Ahrens

Bild Nadja Born

Nadja Born

Bild Simon Hochstrasser

Simon Hochstraßer

Bild Sara Kappelhoff

Sara Kappelhoff

Bild Joe Yu

Joe Yu

With the W:Science platform, we provide information about progress in women's visibility and the development of the Gender Equality Tech Tool (GETT) — and at the same time create a space for digital networking and active exchange.

join the w:Science community →


What is the goal of w:Science?

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W:Science aims to make female scientists visible in the long term. The focus is on the GETT tool (Gender Equality Tech Tools), which collects, analyses and visualizes visibility data about female scientists using classic algorithms and open-source AI models. This creates a basis for targeted visibility strategies that universities, research institutions and media can use.

Is w:science a long-term initiative?

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With GETT, the community and structural agreements, W:Science creates sustainable foundations to ensure the visibility of female scientists in the long term. The platform remains in place even after the project period.

How are the results and progress of the project disseminated?

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Yes, the results and progress of the project will be disseminated in workshops and lectures as well as via traditional and digital media. We also use LinkedIn, Instagram and Slack to reach a broad target group and make the project results available to a diverse audience.